Sunday, 12 May 2013

Holden lost love and desire love

Holden lost love and desire love

In Holden`s life, there is no real love for him, Holden does not love phony sally but he still obsessed with her beauty.
He only really love Jean, but when Jean date with other people Holden felt sad and felt the lack of love. For him, love is a symbol for getting rid of childish. He was full of love desire but he still did not believe in love. He is a love deficit disorder patient.
Holden does not love phony sally but he still obsessed with her beauty. He said: “she look terrific, and she really did.I did not even like her much, and yet all of a sudden I felt like I was in love with her and wanted to marry with her.He swear to God he was crazy,he admit it.They horsed around a little bit in the cab on the way over the theater.He even told her he love her.  But the same time he really know that he does not love her and even hate her because her phony. He used a lot of  words to describe Sally such as “goddamn””phony””pain in the ass”

In his love world, he only really love Jean, but he still felt sad and felt the lack of love. He always want to call heror give her a buzz ,but he was always not in the mood, so I think he is a childish kids when he face to love, he even do not know what`s the love and how to love

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