Holden is the main character in this story. He was a 16 years old boy. and He was boring at school and was expelled from school for his failure in his study.He hated the teachers and classmates who lost their morality and so snabblish in this school.So ,he decided to run away from it and went to the New York City.He was telling this story to a psychosis analyst doctor in the hospital.Yes I really want to read this book, after I see this video.
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Because both these video concern a person wnho is tired of his life,he can not find the direction in his life ,So they try to find their own in the gradually.Teenagers confused their values and views of life.
Because they are related to the problem of youth on the view of life.
Because most of the student in Grade 12 are teenagers and all of them had missed the opportunities for normal school.Now they are looking for new opportunities to start a new life or preparing for the new start in the future.
Some of grade 12 student maybe new comers,They are all come from a new countries,and are all faceing a new life,maybe the hard work make them confusing in their life. so in Grade 12 period Reading this book has very special effects of special education .
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